
Hafencity University Subway Station in Hamburg

Almost like something from a futuristic movie set, that's if they still use trains in the future. The Hafencity University Subway Station located in Hamburg, Germany - a concept stemmed from the use of steel, light, reflection and colour.

Featuring metal boxes that replicate the dimensions of shipping containers that hang directly above the centre platform. Why Containers?? - Hafen City was formerly a hub for global shipping, but now replaced with offices, hotels, shops, and residential areas.

The bottoms of the containers use fluorescent fixtures that provide the necessary illumination to the platform. The side panels use LED lights which can be pre-programmed to any colour imaginable and signal the arrival or imminent departure of trains.

Clean, uncluttered platforms combined with stainless steel fixtures makes this one of the most futuristic subway stations around.

1 comment:

  1. Project
    HafenCity University Subway Station

    Hamburg, Germany

    Client / Developer
    Hamburger Hochbahn AG (HOCHBAHN), Hamburg

    Date of completion
    November 2012

    4.800 sqm

    Raupach Architekten, Muenchen

    Lighting Design
    Pfarré Lighting Design, Muenchen
    d-Lightvision, Muenchen

    Container Design
    Design Stauss Grillmeier, Muenchen

    Markus Tollhopf, Hamburg


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