
Scotiabank Nuit Blanche 2012 - Toronto

Saturday night in Toronto hosted the seventh edition of Scotiabank Nuit Blanche, an annual all-night arts festival, highlighting the talent of our great city.

Crowds where quite large this year with wait time of 1 to 2 hours for some of the installations. While we didn't have a chance to see all 150 projects, even though we crawled home at 4am - Here's some of the items we found interesting:

An Te Liu -White Dwarf, Floating orb composed of obsolete domestic artifacts
Chris Hanson & Hendrike Sonnenberg, The Way Things Are, 2012
Add All Night Convenience- Rhonda Wepper & Trevor Mahovsky
Yves Caizergues - Green Invaders, 2012
Andrew Kearney, SKYLUM, 2012

Videos Coming soon - - - Check back

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